Get to know ALIGN at GA 2023.
ALIGN helps growing churches become strong & healthy organizations. Our founder, Dr. Will Gray, will be at GA all week, and would love to meet you.
Choose from two ways to engage:
To schedule a conversation:
Our workshop, “How to Overcome Dysfunction with Flourishing at Your Church,” will also be offered several times during GA.
In one hour, learn:
How Creation, Fall & Redemption can help us better understand the organization inside your church
How the organization inside your church often competes with your mission—by accident
What’s normal to experience organizationally as a church grows & ages
How organizations actually work (in human-speak, and within a Christian framework)
What leads to dysfunction, and what leads to flourishing
How ALIGN helps churches organizationally
Plus run a quick checkup on your church & enjoy time for Q&A.
To reserve your place,
If you’re attending GA with your fellow elders, please consider attending this workshop together.
Offered at the following times:
Tuesday, June 13th
Wednesday, June 14th
The workshop location (ARRIVE Memphis) is 10-15 minutes from the convention center by trolley, or 6 minutes by car.
Have other questions, or want to meet at a different date?