Organizations are made to flourish.



Your church doesn’t exist to be an organization—we get that. You’re a local body of Christ.

However, we also know that the organizational aspects of your church have the power to distract you from your real mission. Dysfunction can even derail your entire ministry.

So … how can the organizational part of a church get strong, healthy, and undistracting?

That’s what the 8 Ways to Organizational Flourishing are all about.



  • A unique destination your church can pursue as a calling

    • This isn’t a randomly selected uniqueness, or something odd that doesn’t fit you.

    • It’s also not a vague vision that no one will remember.

    • It’s a future state that’s faithful to who you God has made you to be, and how He’s growing you as a community.

    • It’s a destination you can measure yourself against, and make plans toward.

    • It’s something for everyone in your congregation to unite behind.

    • It’s clarity that helps your leadership solve problems and make decisions.

  • A set of key commitments that helps you get there

    • You won’t get to a destination by repeating it to yourself.

    • You will get there if you know the right ways to spend your time, money, and focus.

    • These are commitments that shape your work and your life together as a church.

    • They’re also commitments that help the right prospective members connect with you.

  • Your DNA as a church, captured in memorable statements

    • These are the most important parts of who you are, the magic you hope never to lose.

    • These aren’t vague or generic ideas like loving God or loving one another.

    • They’re more likely to be focused on what’s special about the culture of your life together, or specific loves God has given you as a local body.

    • These are a powerful uniting force for your congregation to live out and celebrate.

    • They’re also another powerful force to guide your leadership and your decisions.

  • Guidance on using your Identity in the life of your church

    • Direction to your leadership on using it for future planning

    • Direction on using it for decision-making and problem-solving

    • Suggestions on using it for creating new unity and energy among your people

    • Examples of how other churches have made their Identity practical

    • Q&A for your leadership’s initial questions

  • Feedback on the specific decisions and challenges you’re facing right now

    • It isn’t the purpose of our engagement to give feedback on your decisions, but our Identity approach also gives us insight into the consensus your leadership already has, or the best options to consider.

    • For various churches, we have given feedback on issues such as church facilities updates, communications, staff job descriptions, hiring, visitor welcome, member engagement, small groups, or leadership transition.